Demonstration for an agricultural labourers' organization, India, 1990s (Amsab-ISH)
Demonstration for an agricultural labourers' organization, India, 1990s (Amsab-ISH)

The following institutions are members of the network.

Current member institutions

  • Catherwood Library Kheel Center (Cornell University), USA (Curtis Lyon)
  • Amsab-Institute of Social History, Belgium (Donald Weber)
  • Kennesaw State University Department of History and Philosophy, USA (Alice Pate)
  • IISH – International Institute of Social History, The Netherlands (Marcel van der Linden)
  • Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Germany (Bernd Huettner)
  • Canadian Committee on Labour History (Gregory Kealer, Bryan Palmer)
  • Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Germany (Alexandra Jaeger)
  • Global Labour Studies Group, Portugal (Raquel Varela)
  • Arbetarrörelsens arkiv och bibliotek, Sweden (Silke Neunsinger)
  • CEFID – Centre d’Estudis sobre les Èpoques Franquista i Democràtica (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Associació Amigues i Amics del CEDID, Spain (Ricard Muntada)
  • Arrighi Center for Global Studies (Beverly Silver)
  • South Africa (Edward Cottle)
  • PIMSA – Programa de Investigación sobre el Movimiento de la Sociedad Argentina (Nicolas Carrera)
  • USP, Brasil (Paula Marcelino)
  • Unicamp, Brasil (Andreia Galvão)

Have been member in the past

  • Arquivo Edgar Leuenroth (Campinas, Brazil)
  • Centro de Documentação e Memória Sindical da CUT/Brasil
  • Fondation Gabriel Péri (FGP, Pantin, France)
  • Global Labour Institute International Network (GLI-IN)
  • Grupo de Pesquisa Mundos do Trabalho UFF (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
  • Grupo de Pesquisa Sobre Reprodução Social
  • Grupo de Pesquisas sobre o Trabalho (Paraíba, Brasil)
  • Grupo de Referencia Competitiva HISTAGRA (USC)
  • Instituto de História Contemporânea (IHC, Lisbon, Portugal)
  • Instituto de Sociologia da Universidade do Porto (Oporto, Portugal)
  • Institute of Working Class History (IWCH, Chicago, USA)
  • Laboratório de Sociologia do Trabalho (LASTRO, Florianópolis/SC, Brazil)
  • Labor Studies Program. Indiana University Kokomo (Kokomo, IN, USA)
  • Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (Msh, Dijon, France)
  • NEPEM - Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas Marxistas
  • Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences (Athens, Greece)
  • Red de Archivos Históricos de CCOO (Spain)
  • Research Group Marxism and Law
  • Social Security, International Bodies and Social Work (SOISS)
  • Societa’ Italiana di Storia del Lavoro
  • South African Research Chair in Social Change (Johannesburg, South Africa)
  • Universidade Popular do Porto (UPP, Oporto, Portugal)
  • Zapruder/Storie in Movimento (Bologna, Italy)


Membership is open to all persons and organisations who wish to associate themselves with the objects of the Association and who pay the annual subscription.

The annual subscription shall be determined from time to time by the Executive Committee and agreed by the General Assembly.

Institutional members pay a fee and are entitled to one vote.

Individual members pay no fee and have no right to vote.